Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scatter Shot Post - Fuzzy Goes to Washington

Some, but not all, of you know that I'm in the DC area this week to take a training for work, and to visit some family. Here's the bits:
  • While in Wyoming, I have missed alt-rock radio formats, strolling through streets lined with tall buildings, and conversation that doesn't involve ranching or ranching related topics.
  • While in Wyoming, I have not missed pretentions Indie music or issues, streets packed with parked cars (both moving cars and those parked on the shoulders), and conversation that revolve around politics, especially by those heavily entrenched in Red and Blue ideology.
  • Dumb: Fancy Hotels charging for Wi-Fi access. Dumber: Fancy Hotels charging for Wi-Fi access while the Panera Bread in same friggin' building give it away for free. I'm eating an Asiago Roast Beef sandwich as I type this. Yum.
  • Turndown Serivce. So, let me get this this straight: for a small fee, you'll have an employee hoist the crushing weight of a blanket and comforter on his/her broad shoulders and roll them away so my weary self has one less step to his slumber ritual? Unless this deal includes a glass of warm milk and a bedtime story read by a grandmotherly person, I ain't sold. And it better be a GOOD story, too. None of this lame-ass Goodnight Moon shit, either.
  • Learning Tree is probably as good as it gets for tech-related crash courses, both for the quality of the education, and the amenities they give the students. (Free continental breakfast, equipment that is both recent and functional, instructors that know what they're doing, etc.)
  • Reston Town Center is a place where I feel like I'm a bum by simply walking the same streets as the beautiful/rich/important people. But I still have an attractive personality :-)

That's all for today, join me next week when I espound a movie that was actually released less than 6 months ago: Indy 4. Short version: All the complaints, and most of the praise this movie has spawn is pretty much spot on.


Tiffany said...

If it makes you feel better, a lot of the Restonites are probably in debt to their eyeballs to give the appearance of a rich/beautiful lifestyle.

We'll see you Friday night. W00t!

Unknown said...

Have fun in the big city, man. I really feel like your blog posts should be movie titles. Fuzzy Goes to Washington sounds just like the perfect sequel.