Example #2,106,489,942 of the fun you can have by typing odd things into Google, and counting.
Alternate Blog Title: "WY not?"
When we last left our friends, Cthulhu had just gotten a five finger discount on Sparky the Dragon's Candy. A Butterfinger to be exact. Will he get away with this?
Click the picture, and go through the set for the exciting conclusion!
Before the end of the month, we should get updated stat cards for the Desert of Desolation expanstion. I'm looking forward to it. BTW, several of the other minis from older expanstions are also getting updated stats, so not ALL of your minis will become obsolete, just most of them. My Osyluth will be pleased by that.
UPDATE 1/24/08: This article mentions that Wizards will eventally convert ALL the minis to next edition rules. Sounds great to me... but what were the All-Star votes for again? To see what get's converted first? I dunno, made the whole All-Star process kinda moot.
When my computer lets me rename the bots that I play against, I try to rename them with a theme in mind. This one, for those that don't know, are the three main characters from The Wheel of Time. (in the past, I've done Song of Ice and Fire, The Three Stooges, and Final Fantasy VII characters). I often find myself losing because these guys know the sword form called "CPU Shoots The Moon".
Anyway, the thought of passing Rand three queens amused me, probably more than it should have, but I did a screen grab anyway and decided to post it for the two, maybe three people who might understand why I'm amused.
So for those few people who know, which Queen corresponds to which of Rand's women? Let me know in the comments.
"No, not Wisconsin." I say. "Look, do you know that big empty state above Colorado and below Montana?"This is why no one lives up here. Everytime someone decides to move out West to cowboy country, they fall into a transe, and BANG! They find themselves unloading a truck at their new home in Oshkosh or something.
"Um.... West Dakota?"